<----Printable prayer instructions if you need to learn how to pray. Also found on the Prayer Instructions page.
<----Printable wudoo quick reference guide. Perfect to post near the sinks when first learning how to make wudoo! Also found on the Purifications page.
<----Chart outlining required and sunnah prayers, number of rukah, details etc; also found on Daily Prayer Schedule page
<----These are some du'aa you can post at your entry way or outside the bath to remind you to say them! Also found on the du'aa page here
<-----This is a document you can print to have handy or posted on the wall to remind you to recite after prayer, before sleeping, etc. Also found here.
<----Handy calendar to take you through the month of Ramadan learning new daily hadith, memorizing Qur'an and more! Planner also found on Ramadan Calendar and Spiritual Guide page.
<----Checklist also found on Ramadan Calendar and Spiritual guide page
<----Mini-booklet to learn Arabic useful in reading Qur'an; also found on this page.
<----This is a Power Point presentation which could be shared with elementary school teachers to present at the time of the Eid Al-Adha holiday (or for discussion during a holiday unit of study many American schools complete traditionally). Also found on the Holidays page.
<----This presentation is just as the description described immediately above, but about Ramadan and Eid Al Fitr. Also found on the Holidays page.
<---- Power Point presentation combining Ramadan, Eid al- Fitr and Eid al-Adha. This is for low to middle elementary students.
<-----Here is a checklist with related Hadith and Qur'an for keeping track of your good deeds in the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah. Also found here.
<-----Color greeting cards you can print to send Eid greetings. I do not own these. Also found on the Holidays page.