The Prophet (SAW) said, |

Here are a collection of article links about a range of topics related to Islam and its practices. I will continually build this collection as I find articles which are interesting, inspiring or enlightening, inshallah.
Ramadan Articles
Other Articles
More Resources page for a list of websites with numerous articles related to Islam
See the New Muslim Essentials Blog page
Ramadan Articles
- 10 Easy Ibadaat for Women in Ramadan on their Menses
- Muslims Want Time Off for Holidays, Too by USA Today
- Converts to Islam May Face a Lonely Ramadan by Huff Post
- How Can I Enjoy Listening to the Qur’an in Taraweeh When I Don’t Understand What is Being Recited? by Maryam Amirebrahimi
Other Articles
- Was A'isha (RA) a six-year old bride? by T.O. Shanavas
- Evidence of God's Existence? by Mustapha McPherson
- Very cool! Article highlighting "Honest to God" butcher shop in NYC selling halal, humanely raised meat
- Four Convert Marriage FAILS (and how to avoid them) by Muslim Matters
- Islamic Home Finance; Insight into an Imam's conference discussing this important topic
- What Does Islam Say About Terrorism? by IslamWay
- Islamic Ruling Regarding Celebrating Thanksgiving Day by Muslim Matters
- Women's Rights from an Islamic Perspective by Eman Abbas
- Regarding the use of the siwak (natural toothbrush)*Also see video of how to use siwak here.
- Essential Tips for Raising Muslim Children of Converts, by Shaykh Luqman Ahmad
- Martial Arts - A Grand Master's Big Bow and the Muslim Take by Hena Zuberi~ Do you or your kids practice martial arts? I found this article posted by Muslim Matters to be very interesting, as the topic never much occurred to me!
- American Baby: 9 Lessons from Converting to Islam
- Coming out of the closet. Sorta. A revert blogger's enlightening post correcting some common misconceptions about Islam and Muslims
More Resources page for a list of websites with numerous articles related to Islam
See the New Muslim Essentials Blog page